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On this page you will find direct links to digitalized travel books for the listed places, categorized per modern Turkish district (ilçe)
by example:
Ovaçevirme →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Chevermeh)
Ovaçevirme = the Turkish modern name.
Lynch 1901 = author + year of publication of the travel report in which this name can be found. If the text is blue, it is linked to a title description.
256 = the page number. If the number is blue it links to a page in one of the digital book repositories (, or, jstor) or to a reproduction of the text on this website with geographical annotations.
(Chevermeh) the name version used by the author
(→ANT) links to a list of geographical annotations for this title.
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Erzurum central district
Erzurum →Kinneir 1818: 361-368 (Erzeroom) (→ANT) → Suter 1841: 434 (Erz-Rum) (→ANT) → Layard 1853: 8 (Erzeroom) (→ANT) → Curzon 1854 (Erzeroom) →Bishop 1891-2: 381 (Erzerum) →Lynch 1901-2: 198 (Erzurum) →Pollington 1841: 445 (Erz-Rúm) (→ANT)
Aziziye district
- Ilıca →Kinneir 1818: 361 (Eilja) (→ANT) →Curzon 1854: 118 (Elijé) →Suter 1841: 434 (I'lijeh) (→ANT) →Lynch 1901-2: 227 (Ilija)
- Gezköy →Kinneir 1818: 361 (Giudge) (→ANT) (identification not certain) → Lynch 1901-2: 227 (Gez)
Aşkale district
Aşkale →Kinneir 1818: 359-360 (Askela) (→ANT) →Suter 1841: 434 (Ash-kal'ah) (→ANT) →Bishop 1891-2: 387 (Ashkala) →Lynch 1901-2: 228 (Ashkale)
Pirnabakan, Pirnakaban →Lynch 1901-2: 229 (Pirnakapan)
Hınıs district
Hınıs →Brant 1841: 344, 345, 346 (Khinis) →Pollington 1841: 446 (Khinís) (→ANT) →Lynch 1901-2: 186, 255 (Khinis)
Akören →Kinneir 1818: 372 (Ameran) (identification not certain) (→ANT) →Pollington 1841: 445 (Aghverán) (→ANT) →Brant 1841: 344 (Aghveran)
Belitaş →Taylor 1865: 44 (Haramyk) [not visited by author]
Güllüçimen →Brant 1841: 345 (Peig)
Mollakulaç →Brant 1841: 346 (Mal-akulash)
Ovaçevirme →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Chevermeh)
Ovakozlu →Layard 1853: 13 (Kosli) (→ANT) →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Kozli)
Parmaksız →Brant 1841: 344 (Parmak-siz)
Yeniköy →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Yeni Keui)
İspir district
İspir →Kinneir 1818: 355 (Ispira) (not visited by author) (→ANT)
Horasan district
general →Brant 1841: 341 (Lower Pasin)
Horasan →Brant 1841: 430 (Khorasan)
Aras →Brant 1841: 428, 429 (Deli Baba)
Dalbaşı →Brant 1841: 342 (Ars) [identification not certain]
Hacıhalil →Brant 1841: 429 (Haji Khalil)
Kırkgözeler →Brant 1841: 430 (Komasur)
Yüzören →Brant 1841: 430 (Yuz-veren)
Karaçoban district
Karaçoban →Lynch 1901-2: 257 (Karachoban)
Dedeören →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Dedeveren)
Duman → Kinneir 1818: 374 (Domaun) (→ANT)
Gündüzköy →Lynch 1901-2: 257 (Gunduz)
Karaköprü →Bishop 1891-2: 369 (Kara Kapru)
Kopal →Lynch 1901-2: 258 (Gopal)
Karayazı district
Kazbel →Bishop 1890-2: 369 (Ghazloo) [identification not certain]
Köprüköy district
Köprüköy →Brant 1841: 430 (Kopri Koi)
Buğdaylı →Brant 1841: 430 (Mendiven)
Emre →Brant 1841: 430 (Emrakum)
Eyüpler →Brant 1841: 343 (Eipler)
Narman district
Narman →Abbott 1842: 208, 209 (Itt)
Oltu district
Oltu →Abbott 1842: 209 (Altu) [not visited by author]
Obayayla →Abbott 1842: 209 (Teghdeh) [identification not certain]
Ünlükaya →Abbott 1842: 209 (Nerman)
Palandöken district
Güllü →Layard 1853: 9 (Guli) (→ANT)
Nebi →Kinneir 1818: 369 (Neddy Khoi) (→ANT)
Pasinler district
general: →Brant 1841: 341 (Upper Pasin)
Pasinler →Pollington 1841: 445 (Hasan Ḳal’eh) (→ANT) →Brant 1841: 341, 342, 430 (Hasan Kal'eh) →Bishop 1891-2: 381 (Hassan Kaleh) →Lynch 1901-2: 193 (Pasin)
Otlukkapı →Bishop 1891-2: 378 (Harta) [identification not certain]
Yastıktepe →Pollington 1841: 445 (Ketiven) (→ANT) →Brant 1841: 343 (Ketiven) →Lynch 1901-2: 193 (Ketivan)
Şenkaya district
Gaziler →Abbott 1842: 210 (Bardos)
Göreşken →Abbott 1842: 210 (Ghoreshkeh)
Kaynak →Abbott 1842: 210 (Chepak) [identification not certain]
Tekman district
Tekman →Kinneir 1818: 371 (Tatoos) (→ANT)
Beşdere →Lynch 1901-2: 379 (Bastok)
Beyköyü →Layard 1853: 12 (Gundi Miran, Bey-Kiui) (→ANT)
Çayırdağı →Lynch 1901-2: 252 (Ali Mur)
Düzyurt →Lynch 1901-2: 249, 382 (Duzyurt)
Geçitköy →Lynch 1901-2: 249 (Madrak)
Gökoğlan →Lynch 1901-2: 379 (Gugoghlan)
Kalaycı →Lynch 1901-2: 251 (Kalaji)
Kayaboğaz →Lynch 1901-2: 379 (Shekan)
Koçyayla →Lynch 1901-2: 252 (Kherbesor)
Küllü →Pollington 1841: 445 (Kóî-lí ) (→ANT) →Brant 1841: 343, 344 (Koi-li) →Lynch 1901-2: 190 (Kulli)
Mescitli →Lynch 1901-2: 191 (Mejitli)
Yücepınar →Lynch 1901-2: 250, 380 (Khedonun) [identification not certain]
(Gournda) →Kinneir 1818: 371 (→ANT) (between Tekman and Hınıs)
Tortum district
Tortum → Curzon 1854: 155-157 (Tortoom)
Yumaklı →Abbott 1842: 208 (Barr)
Yakutiye district
Çayırtepe →Abbott 1842: 207 (Mudurghère)
Dumlu →Abbott 1842: 207 (Hintz)
Gökçeyamaç →Abbott 1842: 207 (Tafta)
Karagöbek →Abbott 1842: 207 (Kara Ghubeg)
Kösemehmet →Abbott 1842: 207 (Keussé Mehmet)
Yeşildere →Abbott 1842: 207 (Ghirreh Khusak)
Erzurum Province
Erzurum Province