Research Tools > Geographical Annotations to Travel Reports

website of Jelle Verheij, historian


Erchek → Erçek (village, centre of sub-district Erçek in central district of Van province)


Van → Van (capital of province of Van)


Khavasur → Havasor (Armenian "Hayots Tzor", "The Valley of the Armenians"), former name for the Valley of the Gürpınar Su between Gürpınar and Lake Van

Pasvakh → Kazanç (village in Gevaş district, Van province) [also mentioned on p.67, 70)


Akhlát → Ahlat (centre of Ahlat district, Bitlis province)

Arjísh → Erciş (centre of Erciş district, Van province)

Eljaras → Adilcevaz (centre of Adilcevaz district, Bitlis province)

Bégéri → Muradiye (centre of district of Muradiye, Van province)

Albák → Başkale (centre of Başkale district, Van province)


Khúsh-áb → Hoşap, Güzelsu (centre of subdistrict of Güzelsu, Gürpınar district, Van province)

Kavásh region at the southeastern shore of Lake Van. Nowadays the name of Gevaş district and its centre (formerly the town of Vastan or Vostan, see below)

Ispert territory, former "beylik" ("principality"), currently part of the district of Hizan, Bitlis province. Centre of principality was the castle of Tağ, eastern Hizan.

Buhtán more commenly written as Bohtan; former Beylik, now in the province of Şirnak

Jezíreh-ibn 'Omar → Cizre (centre of district of Cizre, Şirnak province)


Artemid → Edremit (centre of district of Edremit, Van province)

Vastán → Gevaş (centre of Gevaş district, Van province)


Akhtamár → Aghtamar, Akdamar (Island in Lake Van)

Limn Lim or Adir is an island in the northeastern part of Lake Van. Shiel was definitely misinformed here, since this island cannot be seen from the southern coast. Most likely the author means the tiny unhabited Arter island (currently named Kuşadası), just west of Aghtamar. This island, as the three others in Lake Van boasts the remains of a mediaeval Armenian monastery, Arterivank.

69, 70

Núr Kúh → Hasbey (village in Gevaş district, Van province)


Gúleh → Göllü (village in Tatvan district, Bitlis province)

Surp → Yelkenli (previously also named Reşadiye; village in Tatvan district, Bitlis province)

Harzúk → Koyluca (village in Tatvan district, Bitlis province)

Almaliyáh → Hanelmalı (village in Tatvan district, Bitlis province)


Músh → Muş (capital of Muş province)


Bitlís → Bitlis (capital of Bitlis province)

74, 75

Várkhán possibly Baykan (centre of Baykan district, Bitlis province)


Se'ert → Siirt (capital of Siirt province)

Jezíreh-ibn 'Omar → Cizre (centre of district of Cizre, Şirnak province)

76, 77

Buhtán see above, p.67


Khazán → Hizan (district in Bitlis province)

Motkah → Motki (district in Bitlis province)


Shírván not identified (= not Şirvan district in Siirt province)


Til → Çaltepe (village in Kurtalan district, Siirt province)


Móyen → Kelekçi (village in central district of Siirt province)

Chelek → Çellikköy (village in Dargeçit district, Mardin province)


Derije → Akyol (village in Dargeçit district, Mardin province)y (village in Dargeçit district, Mardin province)


Kermó not identified


Mediyád → Midyat (centre of Midyat district, Mardin province)


Ehbáb probably Güzelsu (hamlet in Nusaybin district, Mardin province)

Ernúz not identified

Seseyán not identified

Khánek not identified


Aïn-Ser → Pınarbaşı (village in İdil district, Şirnak province)

Tiláberi → Uğur (village in Cizre district, Şirnak province)


Jezíreh-ibn 'Omar → Cizre (centre of district of Cizre, Şirnak province)

Shiel, Notes on a journey from Tabríz, through Kurdistán, via Ván, Bitlis, Se'ert and Erbil, to Suleïmániyeh, in July and August, 1836

Geographical Annotations

Places mentioned in the text*, with new Turkish names and present administrative status and links to the internet edition on

*only part of the journey within the present borders of Turkey